A Society Free From Trafficking Of Children & Women. Call Us Toll Free! +16600199999
All the text and images are taken from Maiti Nepal official website for the workshop purpose only.
Traffickers Convicted
Rape Cases Prosecuted
Intercepted Girls or Women
Rehab Service Rendered
Formally Educated
Job Placement
Legal Service Offered
Domestic Violence Solved
Focus on prevention of girl trafficking, give training to develop income-generation skills and provide Maiti's shelter until they are ready to stand on their feet.
Providing aids to the sexually abused girls, abandoned children, trafficking victims, destitute women, prisoner's children, returnees from Indian brothels, girls and children infected with HIV and Hepatitis B, intercepted girls.
Rescuing girls forced into prostitution and help to find economic alternatives by counseling them and provide non-formal education on health, laws, basic reading and writing.
Campaigns launched against the problem of trafficking in children and women.
Maiti Nepal currently has 11 Transit Homes located at various border towns.
Rescue and repartriation operation adressing problems related to trafficking.
Special trainings are provided along with the Job Placement to women.